The new region, content and other features of the large update Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis
Yesterday for Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis, 3 large updates called Frozen Resolution were released. It brought with it a new region, abilities, content, equipment, various changes and so on. We will analyze all this in detail in this article.
The new, third region, located in the left upper part of the world. He is a rather spacious snow-covered biom with ruins of various buildings and a majestic mountain in the center. In my opinion, among all other regions, Kvaris looks the most beautiful and attractive, although it can be said so about any project with similar bioms. It is also pleasant that the developers decided not to lose sight of such an important feature as the interaction of the character with snow, that is, he leaves traces when moving.
KVARIS consists of 4 locations for the study, 2 combat locations-cashing opens in the process of passing the plot quest (in total 2049 BP will be required) and 1 very unique. The latter is called Rayjord Gorge and is presented in the form of a small long canyon, falling into it, the character every 5 seconds receives very solid damage and after every 5 strike freezes in place for about 5 seconds. With the stock of CP in 409 units, by default in the canyon, you can stay no longer than 35 seconds.
The only safe location is a small area around the teleport point, and it is possible to increase the overall resistance to periodic damage using new augmentations, food and equipment.
Otherwise, the region contains a standard set of features:
- The main city of the region is a small camp located in the ruins of the old settlement. Its main feature is that not people, but small robots lead all the main stores.
- New resources.
- A new set of red boxes and the quest associated with them Collect everything.
- Ton of new opponents, they are made in snowy or ice topics.
- Several especially dangerous opponents. So far, I managed to meet a huge crocodile, a creature similar to a saber-toothed tiger and a mammoth.
- Several new peaceful creatures. For example, you can stumble upon sea seals, huge herons, rabbits and strange creatures. Of course, a new type of meat falls out from each.
- In the Belugana Ruins combat location, there are Havoc robots. As in the case of Vanford Laboratory Ruins, after the victory, the robots glue to the character and help him in battle for a certain period of time, periodically releasing self-advanced missiles.
- New thematic and special random events (events).
abilities and cocoons
Even before the renewal, the developers said that all classes will receive one new ability, but in the end everyone received 4-5 each (some of them are passwinds). Below you will find a description in my opinion the most interesting:
hunter * * Sword Arts Over Charge-holding the button for a certain period of time you increase its damage. * Partisan Attack EXTRA-DOES 4 Movement in a combination of basic Partisan attacks with weapons. * Wired Anchor Strikeback-Successing the enemy attack The effect of the Hunter Arts Avenger passive is automatically applied to the following ability. Fighter * Saber Attack EXTRA-DOES 4 Movement in a combination of basic attacks Saber weapons. * Dagger Hitcount Up Pp Gain-Rania 20 Dagger strikes or Photon Blast Ulta, the character restores 15 PP. * Knuckle Arts Combo Bonus, it is more strongly enhances the properties of the Knuckle Arts Combo PP Save. ranger * Spread Shot Auto Chargge, the ability of Spread Shot automatically accumulates even outside the battle. * Wide Range Blight Rounds is a new special version of the Blight Rounds ability, it affects all opponents in a wide cone in front of the character. CD of Wide Range Blight Rounds and Blight Rounds General. guunner * * Chain Trigger Count Retain, if the Chain Trigger effect does not end through Boost, the subsequent activation of Chain Trigger begins with a higher number based on the previous 1. For example, if the first Chain Trigger ends at 100, the next will begin about 70%. * Stylish Roll Counter Bullet-Used Evasion of the enemy’s attack is accompanied by a counterattack. * Twin Machine Gun Alternate Arts PP Presservation-decorates PP consumption when you bind several different abilities. It improves to 5 times: PP consumption is only 75%. force * Foie Brand-all fiery spells after applying x damage to the target of the Debuff, which explodes the next to damage with fiery spells. * Rod Technique Pp Well Up-PP Energy continues to recover while activating abilities, but the usual recovery rate is reduced. Improves up to 5 times. techter * Foie Brand. * WAND Attack Extra-Dubs 4 Movement in a combination of basic WAND attacks with a weapon. * Wand Arts Skip Attack-after the successful use of two abilities The next basic series of attacks begins immediately with 3 movements. Braver * * Brave Combat Cross Spirit Activation of the Brave Combat ability also activates the Brave Spirit passive. * Katana Pa Combo Finish-after activation 3 abilities. The next basic attack will turn into increased movement. The character inflicts two blows in front of him at a short distance. * Bow Alternate Arts PP Presservation-decorates PP consumption when you bind several different abilities. It improves up to 5 times: PP consumption is only 70%. * Slow Landing Photon Bow is a maximum rate of fall when using abilities or ordinary attack. Bouncer * * Foie Brand. * Photon Blade Protect-if you use the main ability of the Soaring Blades weapon around the character for a moment there is a shield that blocks damage. * Blade Arts Parry Counter Edge, it uses the Blade Arts Parry passive. The counterattack effect. * Thrust Drive Skip Attack, the activation of Thrust Drive, the next attack will immediately begin with the 4th strike of the basic strike.
To activate \ pumping new abilities in the KVARIS region, there are 5 cocoons and 1 tower, which in total for passage will award the player 9 points of skills. Below you will find a description of each cocoon, towers and a picture with their location on the map.
- Crazy Tail (2018 BP)-the 1 boss in a small arena.
- Horrist Flapping (2082 BP)-the 1 boss in a small arena.
- Clockwork Prison (2082 BP)-It 29 opponents in a small arena. They are located in separate cells, which gradually open as the battle moves.
- Wild Avalanche (2181 BP)-the 2 bosses in a small arena.
- Vanishing Path II (2181 BP) —To a small jump puzzle, reaching the end of the location.
- Deepwell (2506 BP)-It a small jump puzzle and defeat 3 bosses.
New Mechanics and Systems
Floating bord -Is allows the player for almost a minute to call a special flying board, for this it is necessary to activate one of the special yellow lighthouses scattered around the region. After the call, special buildings of acceleration and ramps for jumping are visible to you, opponents get damage in the collision, and the fast access panel automatically switches to the boards, of which only 3:
- Slow down, lets better control the board, as it always moves forward. The player is able to change only the direction of movement and jump.
* Acceleration.
* Withdraw the board.
Based on personal experience, this mechanic is necessary only for 3 things, to unleash the frozen container, to move more quickly along the locations of the region and to go through a new special event. The essence of the event is quite simple: you need to destroy the boxes located under the left and right wing of the large Doll aircraft, for this it is necessary to crash several times, using the ramp in previously.
Throw Action -Its allowed to launch a gold crystal with a fragment of a gold crystal into the enemy, which are also scattered throughout the region, 4 fragments fall from each. In a collision, the fragments, exploding, apply from about 2000 to 4000 ao-win, which makes them extremely deadly weapons. As in the case of the board, for this mechanics they added their unique event, in it it is necessary to destroy huge snowflakes with the help of fragments and with their help to kill opponents.
Autosell -Dihilled by many a system of automatic sale of weapons and units (armor). In theory, it greatly simplifies life, since you do not need to constantly clean the inventory from high-level equipment, but in practice the implementation of this beautiful idea is a little lame.
Firstly, as was announced in advance, Autosell is a premium game system, that is, it must be activated with a special ticket or just buying premium (sort of). It would seem that the developers decided to implement such a rather standard system in such a strange way, but the main problem is not quite.
Secondly, in order to purchase the aforementioned ticket and activate the system for 30 days, you need to spend 500 SG currencies. In my opinion, this is a very high-high price for such a functionality and I'm not sure that the F2P game can be finished in a month. However, the situation will radically change if the price is reduced to 100 SG.
Improved the alliance system (guild), adding a special NPC with quests and various products. When performing quests, you get several thousand \ several tens of thousands of experience and special icons. The latter exchange for triggers for purple and yellow Battledia of all regions, a gold sword and armor, 6 keypots of a decoration guild for a character.
The update brought with it 3 new series of 6 star weapons-Evoleclipse, Sechetyl and Rokz. They include all the archetypes of the weapon and, which, perhaps, is more interesting, the ROKZ series weapons are made in three different styles, while the rest, so to speak, is 1. Next, we will analyze the features of each series:
Evoleclipse * -is received by the ITEM Trader NPC for special tickets received during the preparatory event before the update. Weapon damage at +50 stages of amplification is 471, a special effect is called Elusive Unit. * ELUSIVE Unit (level 4): Damage +22%. With a successful evasion within 20 seconds, PP recovery rate increases by 100%, CD 10 seconds. Sechetyl -SARS FROM THE KVARIS of the region’s combat locations. Weapon damage at +50 stages of amplification is 475, a special effect is called Trample Unit. * Trample Unit (level 4): Damage +22%. Damage for all opponents except the bosses +6%. rokz -SARS FROM CATE Locations of the KVARIS region. Weapon damage at +50 stages of amplification is 478, and the series in the series 3 (each is attached to a certain archetype of weapons): * Revolutionary unit (level 4): Damage +24%. Upon receipt of damage, you immediately restore 20% PP, CD for 10 seconds. * Desperation unit (level 4): Damage +18%. When PP is below 50%, Crete's chance increases by 30%. * Staccato unit (level 4): Damage +23%. When applying damage within 5 seconds, the PP recovery rate increases by +20%, re-damage extends the Buff time, KD 10 seconds.
As many as 7 new varieties of units (armor) appeared in the game:
Defrozza *: The maximum armor indicator 72. HP +50, damage to the near \ long-range \ magic weapons +1%, dropping +1%resistance, frost resistance +20%. * Falls into the KVARIS combat sectors of the region. Defrozzis : The maximum armor indicator 70. Pp +9, the damage of the near \ long-range \ magic weapons +2%, frost resistance +20%. * Falls into the KVARIS combat sectors of the region. Sestato : The maximum armor indicator 71. HP +35, PP +5 Damage to the near \ Far \ magic weapons +1.5%, frost resistance +20%. * Falls into the KVARIS combat sectors of the region. Sestato Arga *: The maximum armor indicator 70. HP +30, PP +4 Damage to the near \ long-term weapons +2.25%, physical resistance +30%. * Falls out of red chests of KVARIS in the region. Sestato Belta : The maximum armor indicator 70. HP +30, PP +4 Damage to distant \ magic weapons +2.25%, physical resistance +30%. * Falls out of red chests of KVARIS in the region. Sestato Sheza : The maximum armor indicator 70. HP +30, PP +4 Damage to the near \ magic weapons +2.25%, physical resistance +30%. * Falls out of red chests of KVARIS in the region. * Behlgren : The maximum armor indicator is 76. HP-30, pp +4 damage to the near \ long-range \ magic weapons +2.75%, resistance to all-50%. * Falls out of Gigantix opponents and purple Battledia Kvaris in the region.
Other content
Other new update content:
- The maximum level of the character was raised to 60.
- 3 plot act opened. Together with a family of 4 brothers and 1 sisters, players will have to find a way to improve a huge cannon of the central region.
- Added many students and simply secondary quests. Among them are especially funny quests with a reward of 10 million experience.
- In Kvaris, the region added the appropriate yellow and purple Battledia, the first will need 2415 BP, and for the second 2744.
- Yellow and purple Battledia Retem the region added 2 rank of complexity. The first will need 2049 BP, for the second 2114 BP.
- In the central city of Aelio, the region of the NPC Crestor can be re-passing all incomplete plot tasks.
- A new Urgent Quest Arms Vera was added to the KVARIS region. Players 2506 BP will have to fight with a rather interesting Doll size from a person.
- A new special event was added to the KVARIS region corresponding to its subject.
- Added a new type of Ivent-Field Race. This is a race with obstacles for 32 players, takes place in all regions.
Changes and Improvements
List of the most interesting and important changes:
- The level of all Gigantix opponents was raised to 64.
- Yellow Battledia now brings as much experience as indicated in the description of activity, regardless of the difference between the level of the character and opponents.
- Two new elders of male faces were added to the character editor, the ability to change the color of each CAST element and other changes.
- The ARK ID functionality added a segment with the image of the character by going into the settings, you can change it by playing with 3 main settings.
- The button Take all the open awards was added to the combat check interface.
- In the interface of the list of awards, they added the opportunity to disconnect the ornaments of costumes (their individual components), listen to examples of the character’s voice and view the seals.
- In the store menu, two new shockboards were added for Neseste and the treasury for SG currency. The assortment of the first consists of two resources and various seals, and the second is from the most useful booster.
- After feeding the regional magicians, players can immediately move, in other words, no longer needs to wait for the end of the animation of joy.
- Increased the amount of experience and a chance of falling out RARE EXPLUNITION of gold / silver opponents. In addition, if they are bosses, gold and silver armor falls additionally.
- Reduced a decrease in the amount of experience if the character level is higher than the enemy by 5 or more.
- In the menu of friends \ Guild list of guilds added the Transfer to this location button, it allows you to instantly teleport to the player’s location.
- A button of displaying groups that conduct an active set of players was added to the section of the main menu Communication.
- When using skins on weapons with an alternative color, abilities change their color.
- Conducted balancing of several abilities.
- Other smaller changes.
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