Miss Fortune Added to the Bilgewater Region in Legends of Runeterra

Tales of Runeterra: Bilgewater | “Double-Double Cross” - League of Legends Riot Games has added a new map to reach the Bilgewater region in Runeterra. Miss Fortune is a new three-cost champion with three powers and three points of life. When the allies attack, she inflicts an injury to all enemies who are fighting and at the enemy link. Once you have attacked four times, it goes up and win the keyword Overwhelm. The improved form of Miss Fortune also has a cost of three, but has 4 points of life and 4 powers. Its ability is strengthened to inflict a damage three times to enemies in combat and enemy link. Miss Fortune capitalizes on the damage over time, allowing you to bite the enemy while it is active. Miss Fortune will be available when Runeterra_'s _group is officially published on April 30th on PC and Mobile.
