Summary of the notes to the patch Disney Dreamlight Valley for October 2022
The first update of Disney Dream light Valley is called Scar’s Kingdom. He is going to add the main villain to the valley and more plot quests for the repair of a broken column on a sunny plateau. It is also planned to add many errors and optimization changes. Here are some of the most noticeable.
- Main Corrections Disney Dream light Valley Scar’s Kingdom
- Improvements and Optimization Disney Dream light Valley Scar’s Kingdom
- Corrections of Disney Dream light Valley Scar’s Kingdom.
- Disney Dream light Valley Scar’s Kingdom furniture
- Passing the quest
- arrangement of inaccessible objects and correcting memory fragments
- other errors
Main Corrections Disney Dream light Valley Scar’s Kingdom
- Improved stability and performance on the PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch.
- Improved provision of Founder’s Pack items in player mailboxes. This should help solve some problems that have been preserved. The team will continue to study additional corrections if any players continue to face problems.
- Improved conservation system in the cloud. In the event of a conflict of conservation in the cloud, players will now be offered a pop-up window in the game to choose a saving file with which they would like to synchronize.
- Reduced the intensity of the outbreaks of a thunderstorm.
- Fixed a mistake because of which the players could not choose a light bulb in the Valley house.
- Stone soup is now recognized as prepared for players stuck on the quest Spirits of Nature.
- Fragments of the memoirs that appeared inside the counter in the Scrooge store were fixed.
- Wild cultures (mushrooms, spices, etc.) will now be revived every morning in different places. This means that crops appearing in inaccessible places will not remain inaccessible and will be revived in a new place every day.
- Rain will now water the plants correctly.
- The zone has been finalized, in which the honorary place is recorded in the quest Ceremony.
Improvements and Optimization Disney Dream light Valley Scar’s Kingdom
- Improved stability and performance on PlayStation 4.
- Improved stability and performance on Nintendo Switch.
- Optimized textures on PlayStation 4.
- Reduced the intensity of the outbreaks of a thunderstorm.
- Improved internal lighting.
- Mickey, Merlin and GUI went shopping and decorated their homes!
- Improved control of furniture editing for controllers.
- Optimized sound to reduce file size.
- Various optimization of performance on all platforms.
- Improved large gardens.
- Reduced the number of mushrooms necessary for Merlin quests.
- Wild cultures (mushrooms, spices, etc.) will now be revived every morning in different places. This means that crops appearing in inaccessible places will not remain inaccessible and will be revived in a new place every day.
- The location of some soaring islands in the sky is adjusted.
- Bonfires can now be created.
- Improvements and optimization for Sunlit Plateau trees.
- Some quest goals are reformulated to make them more understandable.
- Improved navigation of water characters between reservoirs.
- Water characters are more likely to be attracted to the player when they stand by the shore.
- Donald Datain the end_ found his land legs, reducing his duration tantrum.
- Water characters will now be able to swim behind the rock of the skull instead of going deep into land to get on one side of the beach to the other.
- Fixed a surge of the delay that arose when it rained.
- Rebalanced wood appears in different biomes to simplify the production of various types of wood.
- Inventory will now remain open when opening bags with objects and motives.
- Improved the clarity of which kingdoms were unlocked, and what else needs to be unlocked in the castle.
Corrections of Disney Dream light Valley Scar’s Kingdom.
Passing the quest
- Anna
- Stone soup is now recognized as prepared for players stuck on the quest Spirits of Nature.
- Elsa
- Now Elsa will remain outside until you modernize the pick to cope with ice crystals.
- Fixed blocking during the task Follow Elsa to explore the ice cave.
- Fixed a mistake due to which the players could not choose an orange emblem in the Elsa cave.
- The fish pie is now recognized as prepared for players stuck on the quest what is the house.
- Maui
- Fixed a mistake due to which the players could not catch the fish next to the raft on the rock of the skull.
- Maui will no longer get stuck after the destruction of sea fragments in the quest The Tale of Stone and Fire.
- Mickey
- Mickey has an additional recipe for crackers in his house, which is waiting for him to be taken by the players stuck during the Convocation quest.
- Mickey will now wait for the player in his house during his original gardening quest.
- Minnie
* Minnie has an additional flower pot in the house, which awaits the players who are stuck during the quest The Language of Flower.
* The clock tower will now be recognized by Minnie without the need to create another.
* Mona
* The zone has been finalized, in which the honorary place is recorded in the quest Ceremony.
* Mother Hotel
* Fixed cases when the key was unavailable in a clearing of trust.
* A fragment of dawn is now recognized as prepared for players stuck on the quest Restoring Solar Stone.
* Scrooge
* SOMA can be found near the docks on Dazzle Beach for players who are stuck on the quest What is bad for business.
* Fixed a mistake due to which the players could not choose a light bulb in the ALL HOUSE.
* Global
* Fixed cases when the characters could not talk to each other during the fulfillment of the tasks of listening.
arrangement of inaccessible objects and correcting memory fragments
- Count of the Shroud store.
- Elsa cave.
- Merlin's library Dream light.
- Corner table in the house of Mickey.
- Prince Eric's castle.
- House Ursula.
- Peaceful meadow.
- Frosty heights.
- Floating island in the clearing of trust.
- Solar plateau.
- Objects are stuck in medium forest stones.
- Objects stuck in workbench.
other errors
- Improved provision of Founder’s Pack items in player mailboxes. This should help solve some problems that have been preserved. The team will continue to study additional corrections if any players continue to face problems.
- Improved conservation system in the cloud. In the event of a conflict of conservation in the cloud, players will now offer the next pop-up window in the game to choose a saving file with which they would like to synchronize.
- Fixed places of the characters meeting in the Scrota store.
- It became easier to talk with Ursula in her house.
- Fixed the position of some rocks so that the character can better navigate them.
- Fixed a mistake due to which Maui island and Minnie House could not be selected in the mesh editing mode.
- Fixed a mistake due to which Donald’s house was swimming.
- Fixed floating items in Chen Remy and in the Kiosk of Sufi.
- Furniture from the houses of characters that could not be obtained was removed from the menu of furniture and pool of objects of the Scrota store.
- Fixed a mistake due to which the water in the house of Ursula became pink.
- Fixed a mistake due to which players could go to the bookshelf in Prince Eric's castle.
- Water characters can no longer pass through the cliffs.
- Fixed a dish of pickled herring.
- Small city hedges no longer lose sight of the inside of their model.
- Two test items from the Scrota store were removed.
- Fixed fishing ripples that appears inside stones in forgotten lands.
- The size and visual effects of furniture of the constellation for the Mona quest are adjusted.
- Fixed a mistake due to which the orchid of the solar bird did not give a reward when receiving its favorite gift.
- Rain will now water the plants correctly.
- Bonfires are now making a sound.
- The call when receiving a critical blow now stops at the right time.
- Fixed a mistake due to which tracks that cause claims were removed during the streaming of music.
- Fixed prices for goods appearing in the delivery system.
- Objects from random bags, a scrolling store and delivery systems that should not appear there are removed.
- Fixed the game logo for the Japanese and Chinese versions.
- Fixed a mistake due to which the wrong Skybox appeared in the Scrota store.
- Fixed a mistake due to which food disappeared from the shelves in Chen Remy.
- Fixed cases when the characters celebrated the wrong time of the day. Sufi, however, will continue to underestimate the weather.
- Fixed cases when the characters were incorrectly fishing on the beach.
- Fixed a mistake due to which Ariel was unlocked before she repaired her house.
- Various quest objects that remained in the inventory of the players after the completion of the quest were removed.
- Inaccessible items from the daily list of favorite objects of characters are removed.
- The magic crystal will now be correctly displayed on the pedestal in forgotten lands during the Ursula quest.
- Fixed a mistake due to which the effect of exhaustion was not displayed properly.
- Various corrections of sound and sound effects.
- The player’s legs will no longer be compressed when wearing some types of clothing.
- Fixed problems that touched Mickey's eyes.
Disney Dream light Valley Scar’s Kingdom furniture
- Food, seeds and flowers can now be properly placed on the tables.
- The doors of the player’s house will no longer block certain objects, such as radio receivers.
- The dishes can now be correctly selected when placed on the table.
- A chessboard can now be correctly selected when placed on the table.
- Furniture located next to the bridge on the square can now be chosen correctly.
- Furniture in the elephant cemetery on the sun-flooded plateau can now be chosen correctly.
- Objects placed on the counter can now be selected correctly.
- Furniture located near the entrance to the mystical cave can now be chosen correctly.
- Fixed problems with the selection of objects from the ceiling.
- Maui island can now be chosen correctly.
Do you want to know more about Disney Dream light Valley? Find out how to cook vegetarian pizza in Disney Dream light Valley and how to make a spicy fish in Disney Dream light Valley, here in Pro Game Guides.
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