How to get slotted ice in the Drimlinite Valley

If you need slotted ice, you can rightfully ask yourself where you must find this elusive object. Fortunately, the procurement process is not so far from the main storyline. Just help Chen Remy start work, so you can buy Slush Ice in Remy’s Pantry.

How to get a slush ice in Disney Dream light Valley?

how to unlock Chen Remy in Dream light Valley

Chen Remy is a restaurant in the Disney Dream light Valley universe, which is controlled by Remi from Disney cartoon. Status. You will need to play a little in the game before you get glasses and perform quests to unlock Chen Remy. Here is the control list what you need to unlock this:

To unlock Kingdom of Ratty in the castle of Dreams Visit the Kingdom of Remy and Talk to him . Cook the dishes that he asks. Invite Remi back * to the Dream light valley. Help him repair his house and restaurant . *Pay 2000-Star Coins to finish the construction ** because Remi.

How to get Slush Ice from Chen Remy in Dream light Valley

The only way to get Slush Ice in Disney Dream light Valley is to buy an item in the Chen Remy institution. As soon as you restore and unblock Chen Remy, you can by sliding ice in a pantry. and choice Buy a slush ice for 150-Star Coins . You can purchase these ice from slush as many times as you need for various purposes.

How Do you want to know more about Disney Dream light Valley? If so, get acquainted with the section How to cook seafood dish in Disney Dream light Valley in games for professionals.
