How to cook a banana pie in Disney Dreamlight Valley

In Disney Dream light Valley, players can prepare many recipes from the necessary ingredients. Finding the necessary ingredients may not be easy, as some of them grow only in certain biomes that can be unlocked by spending Dream light. A banana pie is one of the desserts that you can cook in Disney Dream light Valley, and, of course, players need to know what ingredients are required for this dish. Here's how to cook a banana pie in Disney Dream light Valley.

What ingredients are needed to prepare a banana pie in Disney Dream light Valley?

A banana pie is a three-star recipe, and only three ingredients are required to prepare it. You need oil , wheat and of course bananas to prepare this dessert in the Simulate Disney Valley. You can give a banana cake to a nonsense character to increase the level of friendship with it, or eat it yourself. Eating a banana pie gives players 1227 energy, and you can sell it for 327-star coins. Wheat can be assembled in the Biome peaceful meadows. You can also buy wheat seeds and wheat in the Hugh counter in peaceful meadows. Wheat costs 3 coins of the star, and its seeds cost 1 coin of the star.


Где найти бананы в Долине Дримлайт Диснея?

Banana grow in peaceful meadows , and you can easily find this subject by exploring the boom. Opposite the GUI counter, you will find a banana tree on the edge of peaceful meadows. Gather the bananas in this place quickly and go to the stove to prepare a banana pie. You will need one piece of oil, one banana and one piece of wheat to prepare a banana cake in Disney Dream light Valley. The duties of Dream light require that players sell two dishes, and you can quickly fulfill it by preparing simple recipes, such as a banana pie.

Do you want to know how to bring Prince Eric into the valley? Find out how to get Eric in the Dream light Valley in Games for Professionals.
