Clash of Clans closes in 2022?

Clash of Clans is one of the most popular mobile games developed by Supercell. This free multiplayer online game entertained fans for many years, but there are rumors that Clash of Clans will be closed in 2022. This may make you think if these rumors are true.

The answer is no- Clash of Clans will not be closed in 2022 . There was there is no official word from Supercell, so any rumors about the end of the game are just rumors. Until something comes from the developer, do not believe that Clash of Clans ends. We recommend following the Clans War and Super Super Sella Twitter to keep abreast.

At the same time, some old devices will not be able to launch Clash of Clans, as it continues to receive updates. But most smartphones can work with a mobile name, so if you have a phone with the Android 6.0 or iOS 12 operating system, everything will be in order.

when was Clash of Clans created?

Clash of Clans was originally released on iOS devices in August 2012 , and then released on Android devices in October 2013. Since its initial release, the game has received many updates adding various content and extending its service life. In 2022, Clash of Clan seems to be no end.

Basic numbers of Clash of Clans players

Supercell no longer publishes information about the number of players in Clash of Clans and since then 2016 . But the last number that Supercell shared was shown in total 55 million players . Since then, others have used other methods to determine the base of Clash of Clans players, but they can only be evaluated, since the developer does not provide official data.

Although Clash of Clans may not have the current number of players, the presence of 55 million players four years after launch is very impressive. If you were interested in checking Clash of Clans, now it's perfect.

Raid REWARDS - Are They ENOUGH? (Clash of Clans)

To get additional information about Clash of Clans, read the Clash of Clans codes, this is why Best Clans of Clans Town Hall 9 Army on Pro Game Guides.
